07 January 2016

Looking for clean SS HF PA w/QSK... (Juma)

Hi all,

some time ago I posted on different forums and ham radio boards an announcement that I am looking for power amplifier as follows:

"I am looking for highly reliable, clean, compact, solid state HF-6m bands PA with 100% working, smooth QSK at around 1-1.2kW heavy-duty output and standard radio interface. Commercial only (no home made) for resonable price. Can someone recommend me any according to own good experiences please?

My favourite model to buy was untill now Acom 1200S but I realized it has no QSK implemented.


...so no way for me on CW.

As the long time Elecraft K3 owner I was also interrested in the KPA500, but there is not enough power as I am looking for 1-1.2kW heavy-duty output.

Any kind of tip, hint or recommendation is appreciated.

73 - Petr, OK1RP

The threads with an interresting discussion can be found for example here:


After some time I remembered that Juma developed some power amplifier with power about 1kW. The complete information can be found here:

Unfortunatelly I did not found the information about the full, smooth QSK feature which is key-parameter for me so I decided to ask them here:


(more discussion about this interresting amp here):


Unfortunatelly I have no reply from Juma or current owners till now.
In fact I did not found any kind of amplifier which meets my requirement or expectations. The Juma is still in high focus...

User manual
Firmware update

73 - Petr, OK1RP
"auf die Dauer hilft nur Power" (Erich, HB9FIH)

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